Distribute Visual Studio project templates
Setup the solution
- In Visual Studio, create a new project → Class Library
- We can start by editing our csproj file. The project file is only there to allow us to bundle the files as Content build action into a nuget package/vsix extension
The most important fields are explained here
- PackageType: set to Template
- IncludeContentInPack: Includes project files with Build action = Content in the NuGet package
- ExcludeBuildOutput: Should ensure that the contents of the bin and obj folders aren’t packed. The contents of the node_modules folder on the other hand will be packed if we don’t exclude them explicitly
- NoDefaultExcludes: is set to true, in order to have the leading-dot files included in the template. This is also the case in the spa-templates
- All other fields are classic NuGet package properties
Furthermore, for the release build, we’re including the files as Content. I’ve also added the Debug configuration with the *.cs files as Compile, in order to have a little bit more IntelliSense while writing the template.
Adding the template
- You can now setup the following project structure:
- Identity: Just some unique name to identify your template
- GroupIdentity: Templates with the same GroupIdentity are shown as a single item on the new-project dialog. On the next dialog the user will have to choose from templates within that Group
- ShortName: used for the
dotnet new [shortName]
command - SourceName: This will be replaced anywhere in your files within your template with the project name entered by the user
- DefaultName: self-explanatory
- Tags: MUST be defined if you want to use the template in Visual Studio. Type = item, project or solution — Language = C#
- Symbols: fields that will (or will not) appear on the new-project window
Adding a GitHub workflow
Just for the show we could add a github workflow now.
Publishing this git repo to github.com would already publish your template package to nuget.org and make it installable.
But because this is a demo, we’ll be installing the package directly now. Open a cmd in the root directory of the solution and run:
dotnet build --configuration Release
dotnet pack --no-build --configuration Release
cd MyCompany.AspNetCore.ServerSideRendering.Templates\bin\Release
dotnet new --install MyCompany.AspNetCore.ServerSideRendering.Templates.6.0.0.nupkg
Et voila — the template is installed. Now you can go to your repos folder and generate a project
mkdir C:\repos\ssr-demo
cd C:\repos\ssr-demo
dotnet new web-ssr
Using the template in Visual Studio
At the moment, the template is available through the dotnet cli, and also from Visual Studio. However, it looks a little too flat at the moment:
- We can add a
to the.template.config
directory like this:
- And the angular logo in the same folder (as angular.png).
- Now you have to update the PackageVersion in the csproj to
and publish the package again:
dotnet build --configuration Release
dotnet pack --no-build --configuration Release
cd MyCompany.AspNetCore.ServerSideRendering.Templates\bin\Release
dotnet new --install MyCompany.AspNetCore.ServerSideRendering.Templates.6.0.1.nupkg
When you create a new project, you’ll see the following:
Update template packages
After publishing a new version to nuget.org, users will have to update the template package like this:
dotnet new --update-apply
To be continued, some time in the future…
External resources
- Dotnet SPA templates: https://github.com/dotnet/spa-templates
- My work-in-progress templates for SSR and IdentityServer: https://github.com/MintPlayer/MintPlayer.AspNetCore.Templates
Conversion from .csproj.in to csproj
Happens here, before the template is packed.